Mastery by Robert Greene (Book Review)

Each of us who graduated from school will soon realize that the real world isn’t really something we expected. At times, we would wish to go back to school or correct a curriculum and hope for it to teach us useful tips and tricks instead of those subjects that seemed irrelevant now that we are an employee. But in case you are wondering what should an apprentice do in order to learn and eventually become a master then maybe you could try reading this concise book of Mastery by Robert Greene.

I’m not a fan of Robert Greene. I just happened to collect his three concise books because I thought then that they are insightful. In a way the three books I owned and read did give me insights on certain subjects. But it’s tiring to read. And it will eventually paint a competitive world in your head. If you’re not yet ready to face that kind of reality then Robert Greene isn’t the kind of nonfiction writer for you. At times, I appreciate his frankness through words. But most of the time I just read everything for the sake of finishing the books. A lot are worth highlighting for a quick reread but a lot is also just a bunch of words I no longer need to read again.

Mastery is the kind of level we hope to achieve, especially if we are concentrating on a certain field. Though not all of us could be masters of our time it is good to be reminded that all of us should realize our Life’s Work, or the task we would spend most of our time with that we won’t even regret doing it. It’s a callling that most people might have figured out at a young age but chose to ignore it simply because it isn’t practical. Overall, this book will say the things you needed to know once you decided to be an apprentice and a master in the future. But the rest of what must needed to be done is still up to you.

I am rating this book 3 stars.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Quoted from the Book:

Your whole life is a kind of apprenticeship to which you apply your learning skills. Everything that happens to you is a form of instruction if you pay attention.

This means that you move toward challenges that will toughen and improve you, where you will get the most objective feedback on your performance and progress. You do not choose apprenticeships that seem easy and comfortable.

Title: Mastery
Author: Robert Greene
Genres: Nonfiction / Self-Help
Pages: 207
Book Source: Fullybooked
Book Number: 47 for 2020
Done Reading: September 29, 2020

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