The Art Of Seduction by Robert Greene (Book Review)

This is not the kind of book I expected to read for #sexyreadathon. I was planning to read an erotic novel. Unfortunately, I DNF the chosen book and decided to give it to someone along with the three other books of the same genre. Impulsive? No. It just didn’t hook me the way I expected it to hook me.

And this is where I realize I really needed to upgrade myself when it comes to buying books. I remember buying the four books just because they seem intriguing. Or, I guess this is teaching me that books has expiration dates in them that we just refuse to see. We thought we will be interested with the same plot or genre despite the years that passed. But nope. We somehow evolve. Our taste change as we grow older. Speaking of older, this book (in the photo) is for mature readers.

The Art of Seduction is a quick read if only my mind is not busy hating the words I’m reading. No doubt Robert Greene made a lot of points in this book. I guess I just hated the idea that I’ve been naive when it comes to understanding seduction. That it was just some sort of mind game and we could either be the victor or the victim.

This is not the first book I read written by Robert Greene but this is the first that made me feel like something was off yet still tolerable. The writing style sucks out any romantic idea that a seducer is sexy. It is very clear that a seducer is very appealing though and probably a user. It’s the terms “victim” or “target” that made this book all about getting what you want, luring someone or even using a person in exchange of something. And this can go beyond just a simple fling.

What I learned though is that since seduction has its dangerous effect on any of us, then we should be careful. It doesn’t matter if we decided to pursue someone we like or vice versa. Emotions can still be hard to control once it is triggered. I just hope that we won’t forget that not everyone is up for this kind of game. When someone says no, it really means no. If someone is not responding to any message then it is a clear sign that that person is not interested. Let’s not romanticize the things that is not even worth our time and effort.

I am rating this book 3 stars because though it is “useful” it is also not meant for young readers who might end up being more confuse as they try to learn about the art of seduction.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Quoted from the Book:

A perfectly satisfied person cannot be seduced.

Everyone wears a mask in society; we pretend to be more sure of ourselves than we are.

Title: The Art Of Seduction
Author: Robert Greene
Pages: 207 (with Selected Bibliography)
Bookstore: Thrift Shop at Morayta
Date: September 7, 2020
Number: 42 for 2020

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